The Input Game


The boss asks for everyone’s input, and they begin a round or two of guessing what they think the boss wants to hear.  It’s the input game that gets played out daily in most organizations.

So why do we try to guess what someone else thinks rather than give honest input?  Fear. We fear a wrong answer might diminish our standing in the eyes of others. Or even worse, get us fired.

Of course, these fears are likely overstated, but there is something special about reciting the answer the boss wants. But, the input game is disingenuous and unproductive for our organization.

The best organizations create psychological safety, such that employees are comfortable sharing their opinions and even pushing back on ideas that emerge from the top of the organization. Working in a safe organizational culture is a blessing.

So, what is the right thing to say whether we work in a safe or unsafe environment? 

Our advice is two-fold: (1) seek wisdom from God, and then (2) speak the truth.

Here are a few truths that the Bible tells us about wisdom:

God is the source of wisdom, and we are told that if we lack it, we should ask God for it (James 1:15). 

Wisdom is valuable to individuals and organizations (Prov. 3:13-18). 

A reverent awe and love for God are the first steps in gaining His wisdom (Prov. 1:7). 

Our prideful attitudes can block us from receiving the wisdom that God has for us. (Prov. 11:2). 

Wisdom can guard our jobs, well-being, and spiritual condition (Prov. 4:6-7). 

Wisdom can help us say the right thing at the right time and be quiet when we shouldn’t speak (Prov. 29:11). 

Those who live according to God’s will gain wisdom, knowledge, and joy (Eccl. 2:26).

If our wisdom comes from God, speaking that truth in a safe or unsafe environment becomes more natural and necessary. Truth benefits all organizations, but many organizational leaders don’t see it that way.  These unwise leaders prefer to be told only what they want to hear. It’s easier for them that way. They don’t have to react or change due to the input of others.

But wisdom and truth are to be spoken. God gives us wisdom to be a positive influence and encouragement to others. We are not made wise to diminish others or prove our superiority. Those are prideful behaviors that God will not reward. Speak the wise truth in love on all occasions.


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