Ad Hominem Attack

Defending Against Ad Hominem Attacks

We've all been there: engaged in a discussion, only to have the conversation veer off into personal attacks or irrelevant jabs. It's frustrating, unproductive, and often hurtful. These tactics, known as ad hominem attacks, attempt to discredit an argument by focusing on the person making it rather than the merits of the argument itself.

Here are some strategies to keep your argument on track when facing an ad hominem attack:

1. Recognize the Attack:

The first step is identifying the shift from logical debate to personal jabs. Common red flags include insults, irrelevant character attacks, attempts to guilt-trip or shame, and generalizations about entire groups based on individual actions.

2. Don't Take the Bait:

Reacting emotionally gives the attacker power. Take a deep breath, acknowledge the attack without engaging, and refocus on the topic. Phrases like "That's an interesting point, but let's get back to..." or "I appreciate your perspective, but I'd like to address the argument itself..." can help steer the conversation back on course. Keep Proverbs 15:1 about a soft word turning away wrath.

3. Stick to the Facts:

Facts are your shield. When faced with personal attacks, don't try to defend yourself on the attacker's terms. Instead, calmly and clearly restate your argument, using evidence and logic to support your points. Let the strength of your argument speak for itself.

4. Appeal to Fairness:

If the attack persists, you can gently remind the attacker about the importance of respectful and productive dialogue. Point out that focusing on personal attacks hinders understanding and progress. Phrases like "I think we can both agree that it's important to stick to the topic at hand..." or "Perhaps we can find common ground if we focus on the actual issues..." can encourage a more constructive approach.

5. Walk Away if Necessary:

Sometimes, disengaging is the best course of action. If the attacker is unwilling to engage in respectful dialogue or becomes belligerent, it's perfectly acceptable to excuse yourself from the conversation. Remember, you are not obligated to subject yourself to verbal abuse.


  • Stay calm and collected. Your composure will disarm the attacker and show that their tactics haven't affected you.

  • Focus on the argument, not the attacker. Don't get sidetracked by personal attacks. Keep your eyes on the prize - a productive and informative discussion.

  • Don't stoop to their level. Responding with insults or attacks only validates their behavior and lowers the level of the conversation.

  • Seek support if needed. Dealing with ad hominem attacks can be emotionally draining. Don't hesitate to talk to a trusted friend, pastor, family member, or therapist if you need support.

By following these tips, you can effectively defend yourself against ad hominem attacks and keep the conversation focused on what truly matters: exchanging ideas and pursuing understanding. Remember, respectful dialogue is the cornerstone of progress, and we all have a role in upholding it.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32


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