Year-End Review Questions

As the year draws to a close, it's time to reflect on your accomplishments and those of your team. A well-conducted performance review is an opportunity to celebrate successes, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for the future. Here are 20 questions to help you navigate this process:

Reflecting on Individual Performance

  1. What were your top three accomplishments this year?

  2. Which goals did you achieve, and, more importantly, how did you exceed expectations?

  3. What were your biggest challenges, and how did you overcome them?

  4. How did you contribute to the team's overall success?

  5. What new skills or knowledge did you acquire this year?

  6. How did you develop your leadership skills?

  7. What feedback have you received from colleagues or clients? How will you react?

  8. How did you handle difficult situations or feedback?

  9. What are you most proud of achieving this year?

  10. What would you like to improve upon in the coming year?

Evaluating Team Performance

  1. What were the team's significant accomplishments this year?

  2. How did the team collaborate and support one another?

  3. What were the team's biggest challenges, and how did you address them?

  4. How did the team meet or exceed its goals?

  5. What were the team's strengths and weaknesses?

  6. How did the team adapt to changes and challenges?

  7. How did the team contribute to the overall success of the organization?

  8. What feedback have you received about the team's performance?

  9. What are the team's priorities for the next year?

  10. How can the team improve its performance in the future?

Make a reflective review part of your routine. Questions such as these can be used monthly, quarterly or annually. The important thing is to incorporate a routine cycle of reflection in your planning and execution. We’ve developed a weekly review tool that can aid you in a review that will accelerate your productivity and peace of mind.

Order your copy here


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