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How Does God Relate to my Work?

Articles Rod Brace Articles Rod Brace

Proactive Correction

Sure, it’s hard to point out seemingly small things to an employee. No one wants to be accused of micro-managing. However, being proactive in correcting small things can ultimately benefit the employee.

This article gives some tips for being helpful without being micro.

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Articles Rod Brace Articles Rod Brace

Holiness. A Leadership Attribute?

We know the list of leadership attributes by heart. But have we forgotten one? Holiness.

It is likely not one of your top 10 attributes to which to aspire, but perhaps there is room for one more.

In this article, we explore the argument for embracing holiness as a leader and give 10 questions to gauge your progress.

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Articles Rod Brace Articles Rod Brace

Does position sway judgment?

Do you find you listen to some people more than others? Of course, our boss gets our immediate attention. But, are we missing vital information, creative ideas, and opinions lost in the noise by being selective in our listening? We think so. Here are our thoughts on why and how to avoid letting the status of some cloud our perceptions regarding the value of their input. “God doesn’t show favoritism.” (Acts 10:34) Neither should we.

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Articles Rod Brace Articles Rod Brace

Nehemiah: Builder of Teams

Building a wall is no small feat. Especially one that surrounds a large city and is led by a former servant of a king.

Nehemiah led one of the most daunting construction projects in history using these three leadership techniques.

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Articles Rod Brace Articles Rod Brace

The Dangers of Too Much Phone Scrolling

Perhaps you’ve heard it but chose to ignore the message. In this article, we unpack the research to convince you to spend less time scrolling on your phone. There are many other things that God would prefer you think about. One little click to download the article won’t hurt you. And, maybe you will think of someone who needs to read the article, too.

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Articles Rod Brace Articles Rod Brace

A History of Bad Behavior

History teaches people how to behave toward us and others. What gets tolerated becomes the norm of our organizational culture.

Bad behavior is far more detrimental to the organization's success than we believe. We’ve provided a few thoughts on how to break that culture of bad behavior.

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