Work. faith. You.
Explore our collection of resources to answer the question:
How Does God Relate to my Work?
What does the Bible have for Me when I don’t feel motivated?
Have you ever felt unmotivated in your work? Silly question. We all have.
One of our members asked what the Bible has for them when they feel unmotivated.
We answered their question in this audio clip. Perhaps it will help you as well.
“My Work-View”
You’ve heard the term “world-view” but here is a work-view shared by our founder, Rod Brace. His take on a popular Bible passage is the foundation for his “just show up” perspective.
The Religion of Work
Do you have a day off? A real day off from work?
We suspect not and we make the case that work has become a religion in which our devotion is robbing us of the more important things in life.
Read our take on work as a religion and how to move toward a more reasonable approach.
What Are You Chasing?
Did you know there is a thing called Status Anxiety? It’s real and is causing many leaders to question their end game. Countless hours are being spent at work chasing something. Is what you are chasing worth it? We examine that question in this article to help you find your way.
“Don’t become so well adjusted to this world that you fit into it without even thinking.” Rom. 12:2
Being is more Important than Doing
We have fallen victim to a culture of accomplishments. We are exhausted and without purpose.
Here is a 6 word perspective that can change your life.
Be Indispensable
It’s tough getting noticed, much less valued at work. If you want to set yourself apart and gain greater influence over the future of your career, we have a suggestion — become indispensable.
Here are a few thoughts on how to achieve that position of influence.