Work. faith. You.
Explore our collection of resources to answer the question:
How Does God Relate to my Work?
The Zappos Formula
If you’ve experienced the Zappos buying process, you’ve likely experienced excellence. In this audio segment, we peek behind the curtain and learn about the Zappos formula.
How to Share Your Faith at Work
When we are passionate about our faith, it’s natural that we want to share what we know and feel with others at work. But, the work environment creates some special challenges. In this audio segment, we examine ways to share your faith in a respectful way.
Jesus and Tarantino
If Jesus were on earth today, He would be cranking out some wonderful movies. Even better than Tarantino. Check out the art of storytelling as it applies to leaders.
Leaders Are Turning To Spirituality At Work
One could argue that things are a little (maybe a lot) messed up in the work world. We agree. But we’ve also found that some leaders are turning to spirituality at work to use a new framework for leadership. We invite you to listen to this audio to learn more about this promising trend.